CDIONext Generation Business Development Division

Our Mission

We will contribute to enhancing Marubeni’s corporate value in 2030 by taking the “winning formulas” of the successful businesses it has cultivated over time as our keys to unlocking next generation business development in next-generation growth areas.

Keys for the Successful Development of Next Generation Businesses
  • ■Capture business areas that will grow significantly after 2030
  • ■Target business development for products that bring high added value
  • ■Pursue the expansion of businesses by leveraging Marubeni’s global network
  • ■Pursue a balanced approach to both long-term growth and current short-term development regulations
  • ■Implement successful strategies a step ahead of the competition

Major Business Areas

All pictures are rendered images.

Next Generation Social Infrastructure

We pursue the construction of social infrastructure that contributes to future generations, with a focus on outstanding technology, DX/IT services, and next-generation industrial infrastructure. We aim to create value by combining technology and our customer base.

  • Next Generation Industrial Platforms

    Next Generation Industrial Platforms

    We will strive to solve energy, environmental, safety, administrative and other such societal issues leveraging smart technologies, primarily in Asia. We will also contribute to the development of high-quality industrial parks in Asia that are considerate of people’s lives as well as to the sharing of technology, human resource development, and the creation of industries and jobs.
    Industrial Parks in Asia (link)

  • Advanced Technology

    Advanced Technology

    By collaborating with Japanese companies with advanced technologies as well as promoting next-generation battery businesses that contribute to creating a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society, we will contribute to passing on monozukuri (high-level manufacturing) and greening practices that promote a virtuous cycle for the economy and the environment to future generations.
    OÜ Skeleton Technologies Group (link)

  • DX and IT Services

    DX and IT Services

    By meeting the DX needs brought on by the global acceleration of digitalization and by developing IT service businesses with strengths in offshore development to solve DX and IT human resource shortages, we will strive to grow into a global IT company.
    BJIT Limited. (link)

Healthcare and Medical Businesses

We are promoting our businesses in the healthcare market, which is expected to continue to grow due to various factors, including the aging of the population, increasing health awareness, and advances in medical technologies. We are pursuing value creation by combining the development of pharmaceutical products with Marubeni’s vast and varied global network.

  • Pharmaceutical Products

    Pharmaceutical Products

    We are building a global distribution and sales network and developing businesses that contribute to improving access to medicines in a wide variety of therapeutic areas.
    Lunatus Marketing & Consulting FZCO (link)

  • Medical Infrastructure Services

    Medical Infrastructure

    Through the provision of high-quality and sustainable medical services, we are developing businesses that contribute to the quantitative and qualitative improvement of medical infrastructure.
    Siloam Hospitals (link)

  • Medical Processes

    Medical Processes

    In order to respond to new medical needs due to economic development and lifestyle changes, we will provide advanced medical technologies and services developed in Japan to all specialized fields in overseas markets.
    Medi Linx Laboratory Inc. (link)
    Conceive IVF Manila (link)

Wellness Business

Targeting the next generation of consumers in Japan and other parts of Asia, we will pursue value creation through collaborations between brand and distribution businesses in the beauty and consumer brand fields.

  • Wellness & Beauty

    Wellness & Beauty

    We will pursue business development in the beauty and wellness industry through brands that meet the tastes of next generation consumers as well as establish a distribution network that promotes their sales, mainly in Asia, to build a value creation cycle that enhances the corporate value of both Marubeni and the brands.
    OSAJI Website (only available in Japanese)
    Ainz & Tulpe Malaysia Website
    KARMART Website

  • Consumer Brands

    Consumer Brands

    We are developing foreign brands and our own brands domestically and internationally in a wide range of fields, including apparel, footwear, miscellaneous goods, and cosmetics. Utilizing our expertise in product planning and marketing, we will launch new brands and provide value-added products to consumers in Japan and overseas.
    IFME Website
    MERRELL Website
    ROCKPORT Website
    CARIUMA Website
    LACOSTE Website

Searching for and Developing New Areas

Utilizing Marubeni’s global network, we are constantly searching for new seeds of change and growth areas around the world. We will connect the seeds of next-generation businesses to business development initiatives.

  • Next Generation Consumer Business in Emerging Markets

    Next Generation Consumer Business in Emerging Markets

    We aim to improve the quality of life of the next generation of consumers in emerging markets, including Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, and India, by capturing the lifestyle changes associated with the expansion of these countries’ middle-income demographic to provide better products and services countries’.

  • Content Business

    Content Business

    We will develop businesses that contribute to further value enhancement of IP content and entertainment businesses in Japan. In addition, we will expand their overseas sales network and promote vertical integration and horizontal expansion of the businesses.

  • Education Business

    Education Business

    We are developing digital-based education businesses in the Middle East and Asia. By combining education and technology based on scientific evidence and achievements, we aim to provide educational content and solutions suited to the demands of emerging economy countries.

In addition, we are exploring opportunities to create next-generation businesses in high-growth domains and areas where we can stay ahead of global trends and pursue scalability.