
Survey on Supply Chain CSR (Year ended March 31, 2016)

Marubeni official website. This page offers you information about our Survey on Supply Chain CSR (Year ended March 31, 2016).

★Society > Supply Chain > Survey on Supply Chain CSR (Year ended March 31, 2016)

Supply ChainSurvey on Supply Chain CSR (Year ended March 31, 2016)

Survey on Supply Chain CSR

Based on the Basic Supply Chain CSR Policy, the person in charge from Marubeni visits the manufacturing sites of the suppliers (suppliers, contractors, etc.) and existing businesses (subsidiaries, including joint ventures), and conduct interviews with responsible managers and on-site inspections.
Each company’s compliance status on social issues such as human rights, labor issues, health/safety, environmental impact, corruption (bribery etc.), and environmental issues are evaluated.
During the 2015 fiscal year visits were made in Thailand to the factories of S D Fashion Co., Ltd., a producer of knitwear, as well as Toyo Textile Thai Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of socks, and surveys were conducted.

These supply chain CSR inspections examined the sites based around seven areas, including human rights, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and quality control. The inspection did not find a single area in which either company had failed to comply with the Basic Supply Chain CSR Policy.

  • Toyo Textile Thai Co., Ltd.
    Toyo Textile Thai Co., Ltd.
  • Inspection in S D Fashion Co., Ltd.
    Inspection in S D Fashion Co., Ltd.

Supply Chain

Marubeni Corporation